Monday, April 30, 2012

Final Blog: And the Walls Come Tumbling Down

Throughout the semester, I have been very interested in researching and writing about different social media platforms and how they are being utilized by startup companies. I set out to discover the ways that these social media sites were advancing new companies. My purpose behind this topic was also a little selfish considering I am launching a startup of my own. I wanted to find practices and examples that truly might help my company MistoBox. Additionally thought, I was hoping to be somewhat of a guide and inspiration for likeminded, young entrepreneurs.

I had three main methods of research. First, I researched and analyzed companies that were utilizing social media platforms. Next, I looked at social media blogs and news sources for information that was new to me. Finally, I looked at the social media platform itself, analyzing both its strengths and weaknesses. Breaking down all of my previous impressions and experiences with social media, I could rebuild each of them within the context of startups. They soon became very different devices and tools.

As I outlined, there are definitely shortcomings amongst the big social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Each has their benefits though, and as their technology progresses, the business applications often become more and more valuable. Overall, social media sites are like a godsend for low cash entrepreneurs. As started blogging, one thing become more and more clear to me: with the advancement of technology, specifically social media, the barriers to entry were being radically diminished.

Instead of huge marketing campaigns, YouTube and Pinterest can effectively serve as digital word-of-mouth advertising. Instead of having to "know the right people," you can connect with investors on CrunchBase or raise money on crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter. Instead of purchasing expensive office space, you can just hold your meetings online in virtual worlds like Second Life. Instead of creating an expensive website to start gaining customers, you can put up a LuanchRock site and start collecting emails instantly.

I've learned that the tides are changing. The way people start business will extremely different. The field has now been leveled for anyone with a great idea and motivation to step in and grow a company with practically no money. It is incredibly encouraging knowing that as a young, poor entrepreneur, I have a fighting chance with the help of social media technology, and so do you! In the future, I predict that the barriers to entry will continue to drop, and only the most clever and hard working will prevail within these models. Bring on the competition! 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Business Meetings in the Virtual World

Now companies like IBM and Cisco are using virtual worlds like Second Life in business applications.

This technology could prove to be incredibly useful for startups. When first starting a company, you don't always have an office and you don't always have all of the members in one place. This can solve as a solution for that problem Do you think that a company could thrive sustainably from just virtual meetings?


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Future of Crowdfunding

With the passing of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act in early April, crowdfunding is dramatically changing. In a previous blog post, I discussed the crowdfunding site Kickstarter.  For those of you that don't know, a crowdfunding website is a place where anyone can go in order to give money to a startup or project. Before the JOBS Act was passed, it was illegal to give any equity of your company via crowdfunding sites. You could only give away rewards and gifts in exchange for the cash. However, once the JOBS act is put into action, startups will be able to raise capital up to $50 million in exchange from up to 1000 different shareholders.

This is literally one of the most drastic shifts that entrepreneurship has ever seen. The barriers to entry have significantly decreased. Now ANYONE with a great idea can potentially (and fairly easily) raise money to start a company.

What does this mean for you? This means that you, yes even you, could post your golden idea online and be on your way to millions of dollars of funding with a few clicks of the mouse.


Monday, April 23, 2012

What the "F" Facebook? Less likes?

Facebook pages are often thought of the best platform for companies in the social media landscape. It is a way for companies to connect with their fans, distribute information and news, and link all of their online media. However, a new study came out that states that the new Facebook Timeline layout actually decreased the rate at which fans will like our pages. Fan growth slowed by around 6%! You know the new Timeline layout I'm talking about right? It looks like this:

Facebook is always looking for a way to create a better experience for their users, but I think it is extremely important for Facebook to remember that a huge percentage of their users are businesses. Do you think that Facebook should focus solely on the consumer user or have a more balanced view on innovation? 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Launch Rock

Launchrock is a "startup helping other startups." Launchrock helps companies easily make a good-looking "launching soon" webpage. These pages let you collect visitors emails, promote you company, and track the results. A Launchrock landing page looks like this:

Visitors arrive at your site, and they have the option to enter their email to learn when your company launches and other news about your company. Once they have entered their email, they have the option to share the page via email, Facebook, and Twitter. Each person is given a unique URL, so site administrators can track referrals. You can use this feature to promote your page. For instance, promoted their site by saying that the more signups you referred, the earlier you could get a beta invite. They signed up 15,000 people in one day. 

For site administrators, the Insights tool helps you track all of these sign ups: 

All in all, this is an amazing and FREE way to gain traction and collect email adresses of interested parties. 


Friday, April 20, 2012

Social Media to Attract Angel Investors

Believe it or not, there are social media platforms that are specifically made to connect business ventures with potential angel investors. There are many of these kinds of sites: AngelList, CrunchBase, and StartupIndex. You can simply create a profile for your venture, and then angel investors will be able to view and interact with it.

You can see an example of MistoBox's AngelList profile here:

These kinds of sites have facilitated large rounds of investment. For instance, Go Go Duck (a search engine recently discussed in class) just closed their round A funding from a relationship they met through Angel List.

Picture Source: 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pinterest: The next big thing


There are rumors that Pinterest is driving more traffic to ecommerce sites and blogs than YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+ combined, AND it is now the third most popular social media website in the US. These are stats that entrepreneurs cannot ignore!

Pinterest allows its users to share photos on a pin board style interface. Users can make themed boards to manage their image collections:

Users on Pinterest pin items that they want to reference later and want to share with their Pinterest followers. Each user acts like a member of your company's word of mouth force. How can your company tap into this force?

  1. Make a Pinterest account for your company
  2. Create boards that tell your company's story to your target market
  3. Have a high quality, interesting photo to go with each piece of content you publish
Make sure that you tailor your content specifically for your target demographics. You want to make sure that you are not only pinning things about your company, but about things that you think that your customers would like. Pin pictures that link back to your site and blog.
